# Commands

# gotouch

gotouch command uses properties yaml file for prompting user to enter name and select project structure. If file flag value is not provided, it is going to use default properties yaml (opens new window). Firstly,The command asks for project name. Project name is written to go module and used for directory name.

inline: Inline flag allows you to create projects in the working directory.

# package

gotouch package --source path-to-source --target path-to-target

Package command compresses the source directory with the .tar.gz extension and moves the zip file to target directory. source and target flags are optional. Default values for source and target are ./, ../ respectively.

Package command ignores following files/directories:

  1. __MACOS
  2. .DS_Store
  3. .idea
  4. .vscode
  5. .git

# validate

gotouch validate --file path-to-yaml

Validate checks if your yaml is valid or not.

# config

gotouch config

Allows you to change following configurations:

url: Replaces the default URL. If changed, Gotouch will display project structures in the URL without -f flag.


gotouch config set url path-to-new-url changes to default URL

gotouch config unset url removes the changed URL to default.